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Fat Con Bound!

Fat Con Bound!

It’s almost time for Fat Con 2025, and we’re thrilled to be part of the action! From 1/31 to 2/2, we’ll be bringing the joy, the fashion, and a little something extra. Not only will you find all your favorite Chub Rub pieces, but we’ll also have one-of-a-kind and sample products that won’t be released until later this year.

Even better, I’ll be presenting at Fat Con! Here’s where you can catch me:

  • Friday at 1:30 PM: Dress Your Size: Challenging Stereotypes Through Fat Fashion
    We've all been taught some items of clothing aren't appropriate for fat bodies. However, in 2012 we watched the viral fatkini challenge these societal norms, causing countless babes to rethink their relationship to their bodies. In Dress Your Size, we'll explore the relationship between fat bodies and fashion rules, and discuss ways to leverage this relationship in the pursuit of Fat Liberation. Participants will be encouraged to use their bodies and platforms to help others face and process their own fatphobia.

  • Saturday at 2:00 PM: Make Fat Activism (Your) Work: How to Use Your Business as a Platform for Change
    As business owners, the value of making a statement has never been higher. The rise of independent micro brands and side hustles has given customers a unique new insight into who they're shopping from, allowing them to put their money where their beliefs are. Business owners have a unique opportunity to directly support the causes that matter most to them in public ways. In this workshop, we'll explore ways to use your business as a platform for Fat Liberation. We'll discuss methods to center marginalized bodies, how to support customers' discovery of Fat Liberation, and the benefits to you as a business owner and as an individual. Participants will walk away with the framework needed to create a real plan for their business.

This is your chance to get a sneak peek and snag something truly special. Plus, don’t forget about the preorder options and in-person exclusives we’ll be offering. If you’re in the area, come say hi—we’d love to see your fabulous faces!

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